(Spoiler Completo!) Tournament Pack 2024 Vol.4

Space Charm Usagi
Level 1 / LIGHT
ATK 0 / DEF 1500
Spellcaster / Tuner / Normal
A mysterious visitor from the heavens. She converts people’s sense of pain into signals and sends them into space, but why she does so is still unknown to this day.
— “Pain, pain, go away, go away”


24TP-JP402 Mecha Phantom Beast O-Lion
24TP-JP403 Ringowurm, the Dragon Guarding the Hundred Apples
24TP-JP404 Evil HERO Sinister Necrom
24TP-JP405 Crystron Sulfefnir
24TP-JP406 Samurai Destroyer
24TP-JP407 M-X-Saber Invoker
24TP-JP408 D/D/D Wave High King Caesar
24TP-JP409 Hi-Speedroid Rubber Band Shooter
24TP-JP410 Speedroid Scratch
24TP-JP411 Majespecter Unicorn - Kirin

Esses reprints indicam que receberemos suporte para Mecha Phantom Beast e D/D/D na Supreme Darkness, o que vocês acham?

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